The world is yours!

learning styles

Geo is a friendly guide

that loves adventure and opens up a world of possibility!

Geo is an voice and touch controlled interactive globe that helps your child learn about the world. Beyond maps and capitals, Geo opens their minds to diverse global environments, unique historical events, and fascinating cultures.

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Growing a geographical knowledge-base is a great way to enhance a variety of valuable skillsets!

Enhanced spatial reasoning and three dimensional thinking

Increased curiosity about the unknown and cultural sensitivity

Secure sense of belonging and connection to place

Geo Teaches
Three Ways

Geo is inclusinve of all learning styles. This makes it a great teaching tool for all learners, because it rewards stronger skillsets, while strengthening those that need a boost.

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Geo grows with
your child

1: Continents & Major Map Features

This level dips a toe into a surface level overview of the seven continents, and prominent features like the North & South poles and the equator.

2: Oceans & Cardinal Directions

In level 2, dive into the exciting world of the earth's oceans. Gain a grasp of navigation and learn the four cardinal directions.

3: Countries by Continent

This level is a deep dive into each continent's country names. Break up memorization by learning interesting cultural and geographical facts.

4: Captials & Major Cities

Learning capitals and major cities is great fun when packed with tidbits of information to keep the momentum going.

5: Latitude & Longitude

Become an expert navigator with understanding of latitude and longitude. Learn to pinpoint exact locations with accuracy and ease.

6: Geographical Features

Master understanding of significant features from Mt. Kilimanjaro to the Mojave Desert. Learn about their influence on cultures around them.

Studies show

Geo fosters a growth mindset by supporting your child's hard work. It was once thought telling children how smart they are would give them confidence in their abilities, the desire to learn, and the hardiness to withstand difficulty. Research shows that praising the process—children’s effort or strategies—creates eagerness for challenges, persistence in the face of difficulty, and enhanced performance. Geo is behind your child all the way.

More than just memorizing names

While learning names of places is useful, geography offers so much more. Go deeper than just memorizing names with small cultural immersion lessons complete with images, videos and songs. Your child will love diving into different cultures and learning about the diversity that our world has to offer.

With Geo,
the world is yours!